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Church Leadership

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Did you know if you want to be successful as a church you must be willing and able to love? And… real love takes us beyond ourselves!
People expect Christians to behave to a certain standard; that is why Jimmy Swaggart, PTL and Ted Haggard made such big news. Christians are human, full of sin and frailty, and will mess up. I do this a lot; we all...
It amazes me how quickly we Christians get caught up with programs, new ideas, and putting out the fires of personal conflict, spinning our wheels but never giving full attention to what we are all about.
The best way to destroy what God desires is to trade in His purpose for our purpose, or to push aside the truths of Scriptures and what a church is, and replace it with our own trends, whims, and reasoning.
Unity in the church is something that is not easily achieved. You can ask yourself the question, your church characterized by controversy-or unity?
Just as it was in Jeremiah's time, the Church is in an awkward, perhaps even an appalling and dysfunctional state: I am with you and will save you, declares the LORD. Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not...
To say it flat out, the problems our churches face are not so much how we do things; it is how we are! The problem is not what we do in our worship services; it is how we treat the people that go to our services...
First of all, Christianity is not a ranch where we hire hands to work the spread. Rather, Christianity is an action-driven adventure of faith, where we each help to build one another up and cooperatively do the work that Christ gives us.
Your call and profession might need a review. Growing a church is Biblical, and an imperative from our Lord. However, we also need to discover what it means to "grow a church." Most people consider numerical growth, but...
Keep the Biblical principals in mind and never replace what we think we need over what He calls us to do! This step clarifies the steps taken to this point, and suggests strategies on how they can be implemented. Pastors and Elders can do this once a year to make sure you are still on the right track.
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