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Church Leadership

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The call Christ gives us is for us here is to move forward under His produce to produce the goods of "produce" by the Fruit of the Spirit with our faith. So, how can we do this?
What makes a church grow? The main, significant factor over all else of why churches succeed is this one point: they were centered upon Christ as LORD! They were not centered on a personality, a vision, a denomination, an emerging paradigm, or a set of trends.
Are you willing to take an honest look at some of the reasons why people are not coming to or are not involved in your church?

In my first doctoral dissertation on "why churches fail," I tracked over 1,000 churches for over 10 years. I looked for the marks that caused people to leave. I found the top four reasons why a churchgoer leaves their church.
Are you willing to take an honest look at some of the reasons why people are not coming to your church?
One of the big signs of an unhealthy church is when the teaching centers on one aspect of truth or one aspect of love, but the two are not taught together, as the Bible calls us to do.
In the Church, love is never to give up. Imagine what this mindset could do for your church!
First Corinthians 13 is our template of how we must behave toward one another. We can do our best at preaching the gospel with power and conviction and have a church filled with wonderful programs and staffed with gifted people.
How many of us have ever ventured into a church that was filled with unkindness, where we were ignored or even mistreated?
If you want to be successful as a church you must be willing and able to Forgive. And… real forgiveness takes us beyond our hurts!
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