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Church Leadership

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When the average Joe or Joann off the street is polled on why they do not go to church, it won't be long before the word hypocrisy comes up! Why? Why do non-church people have such a negative response to the church and especially to hypocrisy?
Do you have a problem with Hypocrisy in your Church?

What we have here are not excuses that we can claim as a defense, but causes that can, and must, be overcome by the mature Christian.
Gossip is Missing the Mark that Christ has for us!

The result of gossip being spread and not adequately dealt with; especially by leaders, creates an atmosphere of distrust.
Do you Have the Nose for the News?

Gossip Mongers! This was the phrase I heard from a close friend who grew up in the church but now won't go.
Do you hide Gossip behind your prayer requests? Did you know that is evil and manipulative, what God absolutely hates?
Gossip devastates all the good work previously done in a church!

Remember this important truth; when our focus is to be mean to each other and find fault with each other, all we accomplish is the shooting of ourselves.
Gossip is Evil and Gossip Destroys!

The Word of God is clear; gossip will corrupt the whole person! The impact we should feel from these verses should bring us down to our knees. Gossip is so inviting. How often have I found myself slipping with my tongue, without the intention of doing any harm.
Hypocrisy and judgmental attitudes cause some of the biggest problems in the Church, and spill over to others outside her walls whose concept of a Church is what they observe.
I often speak against pride, and I often receive objections for it. The two most common objections are: "I do not see any problem with pride, I'm proud to be a Christian, to be an American…" and "Is pride really a problem?
Listening knows to be an effectual leader, you must know how to listen, all its takes is the will to turn it on and let it work.
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