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Church Leadership

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This is about the legacy we leave when we pass on, into heaven and God's wonders, rest, and rewards-how we live and then hand down hope by the way we lived and how we touched others. As this is also about building a successful church with a legacy of hope that impacts His people in the world in which we live...
Building any successful church is not about seeking some fad or trend. It is all about seeking Him first, finding His Truth First, and then finding a way to communicate that effectively in life with passion-being creative without disrespecting Christ. Remember, He is Holy!
Are you willing to do unto others what Christ has done for you? What about others you fear or do not like? What is your call in this? The call during the Reformer's day was to point the Church back to Christ and His Word and away from bad traditions, false teachings, bureaucracy, pride, and apostasy. Now...
Since I have been in this emergent ministry, training emerging leaders, and being one myself for thirty years, I picked up some pointers mainly from my failures. It was my uncle, Francis Schaffer, who was keenly interested in this movement and pushed me into this; I was a part of it even when I would not admit it.
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