Church Leadership
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Revelation 13:11-18
Summarizing What God Calls Us To Do = Depending On The Cross! They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were...
Being filled with Jesus is a requirement for being a Christian, and this must be evident in us. This is what the Fruit of the Spirit is all about: God is working in and through us. It is imperative that the leadership of the church exhibits the life and power of Christ. If not, what are we there for? If it is weak, it's time to step up the personal and corporate prayer, daily Bible reading. We must be aware of our sinful desires and place them at the foot of the Cross. People will not see Jesus at work unless they see that He is at work in the leadership. This sets the tone for the congregation!
Matthew 28:16-20; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12
What is discipleship and what is Jesus calling us to in Matthew 28:18-20?
Being a disciple encompasses more than just asking Christ in our life and heart, and goes far beyond baptism or our church membership!
What is discipleship and what is Jesus calling us to in Matthew 28:18-20?
Being a disciple encompasses more than just asking Christ in our life and heart, and goes far beyond baptism or our church membership!
Revelation 13:5-10
What would your church look like if you took away the pastor(s), the music and worship, the buildings, the favored programs, the sacraments and ceremonies, as well as the events and Sunday School? What would you have left? The answer of what is left is what impacts and what resounds in your church, and is where your church's health lies. Because doing church is not about the pastor, the observances, or the programs. It is about how we...
We are called to be agents of reconciliation to a world that is dying to sin! We are to proclaim that people's lives matter. The world is a mess because most people do not know that God accepts us by His sacrifice for our sins! Because of His work, we are deeply loved and complete in Him, and we do not need to have acceptance by any other person or means to be fulfilled (Rom. 5:1; Col. 1:21-22; 2:13-15; Heb.13: 15-16; James 1:4; 1 John 4:9-11)!
The date is significant, because if Revelation was "just" written about far-away future events, then this letter to people in dire stress was mostly meaningless. How could they listen to the words of the prophecies and obey something that was not relevant to them?
How do I recruit disciplers? The best way to catch new people into your Bible Study is for you and your members to invite their friends. Advertising creates awareness, personal invitation creates participation!
These are the 12 characteristics that form a church that pleases our Lord. Each of these distinctions are extremely important; however I feel I placed them in a hierarchal arrangement. That is the first one is more important than the second. And the first one begets the second that begets the third and so forth. So each one when practiced is...