Church Leadership
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I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the Law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.
In Church leadership we have a choice to act in evil or goodness; to act with our sinful motives or with what God calls us to, which is far better that we can see in the moment. Let us choose being even better. Who we are will determine what we do. The result will be character. Our growth in Him will make us who we are, which will be the character we present to God and others.
Is your church inventing or following Jesus?
We are called to get our minds lined up with God-His Way, His precepts, and His plan.
Introduction to the Bible Studies on Recovery.
This recovery program works! There has been no better way that earnestly helps people recover from their past hurts, addictions and dependency than the Twelve-Step program. This series is designed to supplement a treatment or counseling program. We are not licensed counselors or a treatment center; we merely offer you God's Word and His insights to your journey of recovery.
This recovery program works! There has been no better way that earnestly helps people recover from their past hurts, addictions and dependency than the Twelve-Step program. This series is designed to supplement a treatment or counseling program. We are not licensed counselors or a treatment center; we merely offer you God's Word and His insights to your journey of recovery.
Billy Graham calls this approach, "the most effective evangelism tool ever developed!" Your church, even your home can become a "Lighthouse of Prayer" to reach others for Christ.
What does your church serve?
Jesus shows the ultimate care as He seeks us out to offer salvation that we do not deserve and continues to seek us when we wander from Him!
Revelation 9:1-11
Prayer is pivotal and essential. Prayer is meant to line us up in His will and with His empowerment. Being faithful in prayer is the essential mechanism for reaching others with the faith. Nothing of value can accrue in you or through you without prayer.