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Church Leadership

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Some Christians have no problems with interpretation, it is the application and obedience that they have trouble with.
Is being willing to adjust our own schedule and agenda.
Are you so caught up in the events and planning of Christmas that you have forgotten the "Christ" and the "mass," which means we are to worship and venerate Him? Most of us do forget, perhaps not intentionally, because of all our busyness and neglect. We look with anticipation to the gifts, music, decorations, food, family gatherings and such, and for some, this means Christ is the One who is left out as He stands and knocks. As an ironic iconoclast, we feast and honor Christ while He is left outside in the cold (Rev. 3:20).
Training is not just another word for discipleship. Training is a formal method of teaching someone what they need to know in the best and most pleasant, encouraging, and fun way possible. There are three areas for this, formal class, mentoring, and coaching.
First of all this is not an essential issue, as "Eschatology," meaning End Times Theology, is debatable and has no real bearing on orthodoxy versus unorthodoxy, unless it is distracting you from the person and work of Christ. Nor is this even an important issue, as God is far more concerned with our...
Will lift, support, and help others through difficult circumstances.
Worship will be the central aspect of Heaven. Thus, it must be the central aspect of doing church, and of each Christian's life! Our understanding of what a church worship service is must reflect the precepts of Scripture. This includes our influence, and the format of our worship services.
Every church has meetings. So how should we do them? Some are formal. Others are leisurely and informal. Some are very skilled, with strict rules of order and procedures laid out so specifically that the meeting is the ministry.
Why we should go to Church, when to leave a Church?

Do you want to go to church, but feel lost there? Do you dread going to church? Do you wonder why or even if you should go to church? If we are not committed to a church home, then there is no one to keep us accountable or to miss us when we do not attend worship. If no one is expecting us, we can come up with all those excuses of why we need not go. Then, a trickle-down effect will occur.

Yes and no! Yes, Christ is coming back and we will meet Him and it will be spectacular and no words or speculations could ever describe it effectively, especially not in the way most books and TV preachers have sensationalized it. There has been a lot of debate over...
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