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Church Leadership

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Matthew 4:1-11, Satan pulls out all of his efforts and abilities in a futile attempt to convince...
Means being well organized and competent.
What comes into our minds when we think about God? The sovereignty of God basically means that God is God, and He is in complete control, He is the Creator, King, and Sustainer of the universe. God can do as He pleases, as He wishes, without constraint; He has no limits or confines. Nothing else in concept or reality can move or exercise power or influence over Him. Nothing can have direction or permission outside of His knowledge and control. God's purpose is all-comprehensive and can never be thwarted.
Many pastors are going into their pulpits ignorant, either not knowing the tools or how to use those tools. This is why a lot of pastors are not leading Bible studies in our churches, and why so few churches even have a Bible study.
Matthew 3:1 -12, How do you prepare for the Lord in you and in the lives of others?
Considers others and gives attention.
What can we learn from churches that have failures or are disconnected from their purpose?

This article will explore what God calls, how we are and what we can do with practical and biblical insights to prevent breakdowns and major problems from happening. In Part 2, we will look how to recover if breakdowns do occur.
Why should we listen to a Book? Why is the Bible to be our authority for faith and practice-for life?
Matthew 2:13-23, Jesus always invokes a response, if not in this life, then, in the life to come, from every person who has ever lived.
Allows us to operate with our best for His highest.
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