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Leading the Church

Do you or your people struggle with your role and placement in church? Do your people feel disconnected or lost in church? Do they feel like they are unimportant or not noticed or appreciated? Do they feel they are not getting fed spiritually or challenged to grow? Do they feel they have few opportunities to exercise their gifts and call? Do you...
How to Mobilize the People in your church according to their Spiritual Gifts. This section is primarily for the Church leadership and the Mentor Groups.
Understanding the Importance of Spiritual Gifts! Spiritual Gifts are alive and well both in the Church and in the world. They are not from a bygone era or only for certain Denominations or individuals; they are for you and your church!
Why? Because; words can get us in so much trouble, and serve both for the good of the Kingdom and the determent of the Church...
It is why society needs law and order, why churches need discipline and how much we have been saved by our Lord...
Introduction: A Biblical Approach to Understanding and Applying that with which God has Called and Gifted You! This workshop can be used as small group lessons or a church wide training event.
So what can you do? Start to think small! For God to do something big in your life and in your church, you need to start thinking small-Small Groups! Small Groups are important and essential. They are the primary and best means to learn and grow in our walk with Christ.
Do you desire to fire your pastor? Perhaps you should fire them up instead! Got problems in your church, then pray, have a great pastor? Then pray moreā€¦
Is your church stuck or stagnant? Perhaps you are not well connected to the One who is to direct your church! Is prayer at your church dull, dry, and boring? Why? We have a God who elected to choose us and selected us for a purpose, and one of the primary calls is for us to be in touch with our Creator and loving Lord.
Summarizing What God Calls Us To Do = Depending On The Cross! They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were...
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