Effective Leadership
Goals are very important to setting up objectives! Goals are also are crucial for targeting opportunities and action plans, and strategizing on going from one point to another in personal life as well as ministry. Goals are tools to assist growth and to better our call to Christ and our service to one another. However, goals are not the focus, nor are they...
Learning is to learn and grow from the experience the Lord gives us so we are an example for His work!
What will you do with this incredible opportunity of expanding the Gospel so others can know and grow in Christ?
Where do you and your church need to be strengthened?
What trivial matters does your church fight about?
What is the thesis statement of your life and church?
How far is your church's reach with kindness and truth?
Is your church dedication to Christ's Sovereignty and Lordship?
As Church leaders, we serve our Lord and minister to His people. It is not about us! We must remember that as leaders we are ambassadors of Christ. We are to proceed in any endeavor with the Fruits of the Spirit with love primary. We must have the proper motives before we can lead effectively!
To create a church of unity, leaders should be grateful to share our kindness and humility in Christ as we display His Glory. So, let us learn and grow, so we can be better at knowing Him and showing Him as we depend on Christ and His Mighty Work in us--empowering us! In this way, we will grow and be a church unified and impacting.