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Effective Leadership

If you are in leadership, then be a good leader! Servant Leaders are the managers and administers who do the hands-on work of the Lord! We are to do this by being the people of the Lord. Incarnational Leaders are people who are more visionary, the ones who set the tone and empower the Servant Leaders. Incarnational Leaders are the visionaries, entrepreneurs, architects, and builders of the church.
Are you a good leader? Do you want to be? We have to ask ourselves whether we are being an agent of change or being manipulative and controlling. We have to ask ourselves if we are empowering people or scheming to get them to do what we want. Are we leading from our authentic spiritual formation or from an idea of what we think we should be? Because, to be a leader for Christ, we must put off our own personal agendas and adopt His will and ways!

How is your church 'Filling?'
What does your church proclaim and teach?
Do you know what you teach, do you teach what you know?
Who or what does your church follow?
Too often people confuse a strong-willed personality as an effective leader, leadership is not being strong-willed, rather having a strong sense of purpose that is centered upon God. The church of our Lord needs leaders, not petty instigators. There are too many churches that substitute a petty person for a godly person and see no distinction, because the people who put them in power do not know the difference.
Key point: We must make sure our value system is based on God's true Truth! Be on guard against building on the shifting sands and lies of the culture and the world! We are to be the influencers of culture, not the receivers. This is where the church is weak and prone to attack. (Isaiah 54:17; Ephesians 6:10-18)
We prepare God's people! The purpose of any worker in the church is to build up the people for service, whether it is a nursery worker or a bishop, a pastor, or elder. We serve Christ. By doing this, we build up His church. If we serve with a preoccupation on 'self' e.g. "It is all about me, my position, my name, my legacy, my veneration", we miss the entirety of Who and why we are to lead and manage a church.
To create a church of unity, leaders should be grateful to share our kindness and humility in Christ as we display His Glory. So, let us learn and grow, so we can be better at knowing Him and showing Him as we depend on Christ and His Mighty Work in us--empowering us! In this way, we will grow and be a church unified and impacting.
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