Effective Leadership
How is your faith and that of your churches?
What needs correcting in you and your church?
How faithful is your church to Christ's call and precepts?
How is your church 'Filling?'
As Church leaders, we serve our Lord and minister to His people. It is not about us! We must remember that as leaders we are ambassadors of Christ. We are to proceed in any endeavor with the Fruits of the Spirit with love primary. We must have the proper motives before we can lead effectively!
Key point: We must make sure our value system is based on God's true Truth! Be on guard against building on the shifting sands and lies of the culture and the world! We are to be the influencers of culture, not the receivers. This is where the church is weak and prone to attack. (Isaiah 54:17; Ephesians 6:10-18)
We are to be bold for Christ, not to our conceit. It is imperative that we live what we preach; being a hypocrite is a disgusting obsession in the face of our loving and gracious Lord as well as our witness!