Effective Leadership
Are you a good leader? Do you want to be? We have to ask ourselves whether we are being an agent of change or being manipulative and controlling. We have to ask ourselves if we are empowering people or scheming to get them to do what we want. Are we leading from our authentic spiritual formation or from an idea of what we think we should be? Because, to be a leader for Christ, we must put off our own personal agendas and adopt His will and ways!
We prepare God's people! The purpose of any worker in the church is to build up the people for service, whether it is a nursery worker or a bishop, a pastor, or elder. We serve Christ. By doing this, we build up His church. If we serve with a preoccupation on 'self' e.g. "It is all about me, my position, my name, my legacy, my veneration", we miss the entirety of Who and why we are to lead and manage a church.
Do you know that your church can do immeasurably more? The church is established in love, by love for love. So do we love well? Do we do more? We must pray that His glorious riches strengthen us, work in us, so we love and do as He has called! Worship Christ, grow in Christ, serve Christ and model Christ.
Now that we know what God has lavished upon us, what do we do as a church leader to model that to those around us? If your church is stagnant, one of the main reasons is because you are not getting what His grace is about and it has become stale, like out-of-date milk. Pray, seek forgiveness, and get back to your call.
How are you communicating Grace and peace to your people? Are you authentic and humble? If you are not, you are doing church wrong. Our number one job is to always point to Jesus Christ as the Lord over all. If you want to receive God's Blessings, Spiritual and whatever he has for you, you must do these things as we Praise Christ. Paul sends his blessings and gives a reminder that our purpose and reality is what Christ did for us; He is our redemption that we did not earn or deserve.
God calls us as leaders of His Church to carry out His plans and accomplish His mission of reproducing communities of Christ-formed authentic disciples. We do this by equipping our people to know and teach Christ's redemptive reign as missionaries sent by God, to live and proclaim Christ's Kingdom to the world.