Effective Leadership
Are you a good leader? Do you want to be? We have to ask ourselves whether we are being an agent of change or being manipulative and controlling. We have to ask ourselves if we are empowering people or scheming to get them to do what we want. Are we leading from our authentic spiritual formation or from an idea of what we think we should be? Because, to be a leader for Christ, we must put off our own personal agendas and adopt His will and ways!
What will you do with this incredible opportunity of expanding the Gospel so others can know and grow in Christ?
Where do you and your church need to be strengthened?
What does your church serve?
The administration of our church is not about personal wants, needs, and/or comforts; it is about Christ working in us in unity more powerfully and triumphantly. The key to turn on this engine of our collective spiritual formation is our willingness to effectively teach, disciple, pursue, endure, and grow in Him as Lord. Allow the holiness of our Lord, His grace, His patience, understanding, faith, loyalty, goodness, and love to be exhibited in the leadership--not just by imitation, but with gratitude and submission, saved by His blood, kept by His power (1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:27; Gal. 5:21-23; 1 Pet. 1:5)!
Being filled with Jesus is a requirement for being a Christian, and this must be evident in us. This is what the Fruit of the Spirit is all about: God is working in and through us. It is imperative that the leadership of the church exhibits the life and power of Christ. If not, what are we there for? If it is weak, it's time to step up the personal and corporate prayer, daily Bible reading. We must be aware of our sinful desires and place them at the foot of the Cross. People will not see Jesus at work unless they see that He is at work in the leadership. This sets the tone for the congregation!