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Effective Leadership

Matthew 16: 21-28, Following Him! Peter, who had just boldly proclaimed his faith, quickly forgets it and stumbles to his own will. Do you do this too?
Matthew 16: 1-12, Seeking a Sign? The Pharisees were hounding Jesus for more miracles to prove who He was.
Matthew 15: 21-39, The disciples continued to show their deficiency in memory and faith.
Matthew 12: 9-21, Hypocrisy in action! Jesus cleverly thwarted the attempt of the religious leaders to prove He was a fake by...
Matthew 9: 35-38, The Compassion of Jesus! This passage is a summary of Jesus' teaching, ministry, and example...
Which of the seven is yours? What do you need to do about it?
How is your faith and that of your churches?
What needs correcting in you and your church?
How faithful is your church to Christ's call and precepts?
How is your church 'Filling?'
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